AEGEAN PERLITES SA has always been oriented towards the Code of Good practices for a Viable Development, ensuring both operating whilst respecting the environment as well as the development of our staff. Our company offers safe working conditions (clean safety record since our beginning) as well as contributing its best to the local community’s needs.

The good practices for a viable development that have been undertaken by the company all these years, address all four main unities of the code : health and safety, environment, business ethics and local community.

·        Health and Safety

Aegean Perlites SA personnel have safe and healthy working conditions that meet or exceed the recognized standards for occupational health and safety, within the mining and quarrying field as well as a clean safety record in more than 25 years of operation.

·        Environment

Aegean Perlites SA operations are carried out with care for the environment and are in compliance with or exceed the requirements of all relevant Greek legislation.

·        Business Ethics

Aegean Perlites SA supports human rights, acts with integrity and strives to ensure the highest product quality for its clients.

·        Local Community

In Aegean Perlites SA we believe that a responsible approach to develop relationships between our company and the community we serve, is a vital part of delivering business success.

–  Scholarship program for local students 2018-2019 2021-2022

–  Sponsorship of cultural & sports activities


Health & Safety Policy

Through training of our employees, and establishing safety procedures for our contractors and visitors, we work together to prevent accidents and guide all parties through our health and safety rules and actions.

Environmental Policy

Every production process was designed and applied by always taking into consideration the protection of the natural environment and its viable conservation, in order not to disrupt the fine balance connecting man and nature.

  • Sustainable development
  • Water and Energy conservation
  • Minimize air pollution and waste production

Human Resources Policy

In order to implement the values we represent, we have created the most appropriate working conditions, with respect to the Code’s principles of Good Practices for a Viable Development and the region’s frontier individuality.

  • Local Hiring
  • Employee code of conducts
  • Grievances
  • Management system

Human Rights Policy

Aegean Perlites SA supports and respects the protection of the internationally proclaimed human rights and all our partners are encouraged to do the same.

Anti-bribery & Anti-corruption Policy

We, in Aegean Perlites SA, are committed to this policy and expect our partners and other business associates to do the same.

Quality Policy

Aegean Perlites SA quality policy’s core values is ensuring the highest product quality and customer support possible.

For more information on the above, also available in the Company’s Handbook, please contact us.